- Pharmaceutical Consultancy
- FQS Pharmaceutical Courses
Bona Fides
Enrol directly in this course now online.
The course consists of clear and concise instructions on how to manage all aspects of your Bona Fides. The course includes how to conduct supplier Bona Fides on manufacturers and wholesalers and customer Bona Fides on wholesalers, pharmacies, public and private hospitals, and individual practitioners. The course also includes explanations on why you are obtaining certain documents and what to do in cases where these documents are not available.
RP GDP Training
This course is coming soon please contact FQS to register your interest.
The course includes instructions on the requirements for a quality management system; how to conduct customer and supplier Bona Fides; how to manage outsourced activities including GDP auditing; how to manage complaints, recalls, falsified medicinal products & returns; how to apply for & vary a WDA; how to conduct & review temperature mapping & validation of warehouses & transport; and the role of the Responsible Person. The course goes on to further include relevant legislation to each chapter in the EU GDP Guidelines and common deficiencies identified during GDP audits.
FQS Tailored course to meet individual company needs
Contact FQS to see how we can meet your company’s needs.
FQS provide a range of tailored courses to meet individual company needs. Courses included but not limited to, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Distribution Practice (GDP), Medical Devices, Good Documentation Practice, Risk Assessments, Auditing, Implementing and Reviewing Quality Systems. FQS has a wide range of very experienced trainers with skill sets in GDP and Temperature mapping and monitoring, Applied Biology with Quality Management, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology – Qualified Person (QP) and many more.
FQS Tailored course to meet individual company needs
Courses included but not limited to:
- Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
- Good Distribution Practice (GDP)
- Good Documentation Practice
- Risk Assessments
- Auditing
- Implementing and Reviewing Quality Systems
- Courses drafted and tailored to individual company needs
Trainers available with various skills, experience, and qualifications for example:
- Master of Science from Trinity College Dublin. (MSC by Research – Research Topic
GDP and Temperature mapping and monitoring)
- Degree in Applied Biology with Quality Management.
- Higher Diploma in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology – Qualified Person (QP).
- NUI Certificate in Training and Continuing Education.
- Internationally Registered Certified Auditor with IRCA.
- Professionally qualified practitioner with hands on experience in establishing, maintaining and auditing Quality and Food Safety Systems at all levels of organisations.